Here you will find all information about canceling at FDP
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Cancellation guarantee
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5480 organisations
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We have processed 4.421.562 cancellations. Read some testimonials from our users here
Seek immediate certainty for your cancellation with the largest cancellation service. We offer a 100% cancellation guarantee when delivering your cancellation to FDP. Rest assured that everything will be arranged, and you'll receive our free support, including legal assistance if needed.
You can cancel FDP by telephone, but there is a chance that the FDP employee will try to persuade you not to cancel. If you can withstand this, then cancelling by telephone is useful because it is considerably faster than cancelling in writing. If you want to stay out of the discussion on the phone, you can also cancel FDP in writing. Take into account a processing time of up to 30 days. Haven't heard anything after 30 days? Contact our customer service and we will call you right after!
Fortunately, it is rare. But every year we have a few situations for which we have to call in our lawyer. Organizations that do not accept cancellations, that require cancellation by telephone, or that claim that they have not received a cancellation. The advantage is that a letter from a lawyer works wonders; where we sometimes have trouble getting past customer service, a letter from a lawyer immediately receives the necessary attention from organizations. We offer this legal assistance to our users free of charge.
You can always cancel your subscription with FDP. Keep in mind that there may be a contract period when you take out a subscription. After this initial period, subscriptions can always be cancelled with a maximum notice period of 1 month. More and more organizations are taking a flexible approach to this. For example, you can almost always cancel charities and car insurance daily. Let's hope that more and more organizations will follow this good example!
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