Here you will find all information about canceling at Aargauer Zeitung
What was just canceled?
Cancellation guarantee
Free legal help
1150 organisations
Most canceled this week is happy to help you cancel subscriptions. We would, of course, be happy to send you your cancellation letter for a small fee, but don't feel obligated. You can also find all the necessary information to cancel Aargauer Zeitung and use it for free with no obligations.
Do you want Aargauer Zeitung to delete your data or at least not contact you any more? Then you can use your right of objection or invoke the avg and ask Aargauer Zeitung to remove your data from their files. This way, you can be sure that you will no longer be approached by Aargauer Zeitung to take out a new subscription.
Do you want immediate certainty about your cancellation? Arrange it directly online at the largest cancellation service in the Netherlands. When we deliver the cancellation for you to Aargauer Zeitung, we give you a 100% cancellation guarantee. This way you can be sure that everything has been arranged, and you will receive free support from us and - if necessary - also free legal assistance in realizing the cancellation.
Fortunately, it is rare. But every year we have a few situations for which we have to call in our lawyer. Organizations that do not accept cancellations, that require cancellation by telephone, or that claim that they have not received a cancellation. The advantage is that a letter from a lawyer works wonders; where we sometimes have trouble getting past customer service, a letter from a lawyer immediately receives the necessary attention from organizations. We offer this legal assistance to our users free of charge.
You can reach Aargauer Zeitung on the telephone number 058 200 55 55.
Aargauer Zeitung
Neumattstrasse 1
5001 Aarau